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Business License Online Renewal

Business license and tax certificates can be renewed online. If your location has changed, please email [email protected] your account number and new address. We will respond with the zoning form that you will need to complete and give back to us. Please note that additional fees and approvals are required. In order to renew, you will need to know your business’s gross receipts for 2023. If located outside of the City of San Luis Obispo, only report gross receipts generated within the City of San Luis Obispo. Businesses located inside the City of San Luis Obispo performing jobs outside the City will have to provide business licenses from other cities in order to base the tax payment on City of San Luis Obispo gross receipts only. If your business is classified as retail, you will be required to verify your gross receipts. Information about the verification program was emailed to you if your business was in one of these categories.
Business Licenses will be mailed out every other Friday.
Account #
Enter your business license account #. This number was emailed to you or can be found on your renewal form in the upper left section.
Enter your online renewal pin #. This number was emailed to you and can be found on your renewal form in the bottom right corner. Click here to have the PIN emailed to the primary contact's email on file.